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Generate your unit test with Sapient

Advanced AI models explore your code, generating precise unit tests

Generate your unit test



Launch to generate Codeless tests using one of these options:

Option 1 - Generate from File/Folder: Right-click a file or folder within the source code structure and select the ‘Generate’ option from the ‘Codeless Tests’ submenu under the menu.

Option 2 - Generate from Gutter Icon: Click on the icon in the gutter area and select the ‘Generate’ option from the ‘Codeless Tests’ submenu under the menu.


Reviewing Input and Output

Review the Input and Output parameters to ensure they accurately reflect the expected behavior of the code, verifying that the tests are aligned with the desired functionality.


Executing Tests

After making any necessary changes to the source code, click on the Execute button to run the generated codeless tests against the updated codebase, helping to catch any issues early in the development process.


Reviewing Execution Results

Review the results of the test execution, paying attention to any failed tests or errors reported, to identify and address issues in the code.


Regenerating Tests

If the source code has changed significantly, click on the Regenerate button to update the codeless tests to reflect the latest changes, ensuring they remain relevant and accurate.


Reviewing Proposed Changes

Review the proposed changes to the codeless tests, comparing the new test versions with the previous ones to understand the updates, ensuring the regenerated tests are correct and complete.


Accepting New Versions

Once satisfied with the proposed changes, click on Accept All New Versions to finalize the updates and integrate the new tests into the test suite, ensuring your tests are always up-to-date with the latest code.

You're good to go!